3. Essay Outliner Generator and other tools Quick Walkthrough

let’s not mourn – uh you know say a right well kept calm so what is right well at dusk right now we’re so this is a kingdom or sa right girls right so typically you need an outline you need first of all you need an introduction you need the middle point to change and then you need an ending you know paragraphs correct so in order to do that suppose you want to write about say you want to write an arrow at USC correct so it will tell you completely it’s going to tell you what kind of introduction that you can have in the night eternity and how you can not begin telling your story in the middle part right so you can do that and then you can continue telling the story the third part as at the fourth and the final one is a turning point of the climax of how you can take it forward correct so we’re gonna have different these are divided into different sections a typical article is divided into different sections so section one we can design on something start with the basics then section 2 how does your story start which descriptive language to begin sharing details section three is like you know what how it can be sidetracked and all this stuff and section four is like a turning point in identifying the climax of your story and section fire is going to be the significance of his story how it shines through even in the paragraphs and the proper conclusion that you can give to the story right so this is how the narrative essay is so like that if you want to write poem or if you want to write I think not a poem is not even what I think the essay types are or argumentative essay Expo Center is a narrative essay persuasive essay five-part I think you know say they have different kinds of essays here persuasive essay there also is there part of the possible process so like that you can look at how we can write different essays all together right so this will give it a complete outline guys the outline of how the the sections would be differently and how the sections you can you have different options here you can do this or do that or start with this I start with this sentence so this will help you a lot so right well after common in the world of essays all together then we have a content writing calm in AI content writing calm what is able to tell you ways you can enter your copy of se suppose I have an essay copyright so suppose that I have a blog so I head over to my blog right now first okay calm the future belongs to us so I’ll go to my blog so I’ll go to explore it go to block here okay guys I’m going to go to blog and I’m gonna pick some block here like this launching small business startup in 2020 I’m gonna pick that sounds muted but let the sky fall we will continue to learn the end alright so I’m gonna pick this I’m gonna copy this here go for a second wanna copy this here I’m gonna go down and then I’m going to copy the entire block here guys I’m gonna copy the entire block right till I think step step step and I’m gonna copy desk right and once I’m copy this I’m gonna analyze this copy click on analyze copy all right I know you can figure out what power words are being used like in strength the imagine you because emotions are asked our city writer in scarcity what only trust is not there the exclusivity factor is that greed is their safeties are there so it’s able to emotionalized I get is people figuring the emotion based on the content right so neural you’re using a machine learning gap model SVM is able to determine the sentiment of text the sentiment of text is completely to mind with a I haunted writing dot-com right so you can check for the power words you can figure out the emotions expressed by your copy like scarcity crust and check it there and write composition for this purpose we can check the sentiment of your copy and compare the average composition of day for thousands of top copies ever in this world right you can get inspired by AI elements to the fullest potential they’re kind of writing calm then we have this as squid blur right it’s sq you i BL e r dot IO which is a non writing software but so you can write a general or a third non fiction or romance or a fantasy novel with the template guy so it will it will it will help you to go from unpublished to published with a novel that gets read read read so it’s a you side amongst Cuba Cuba and you choose the normal templates it’s an ID ending here round and it your novel economy and writing a story right id8 outlined publish those are the three steps that Scoob la is gonna use completely right so it’s an easy normal writing software this one a couple of you say the wall in terms of you know how you can write a novel based on a template home right so it’ll give you a complete outline in the template form the novel you can it just edit the templates and you can start using it you can write a romantic no you can run a nonfiction novel you can write a third is happy normal or a tendon or a fantasy novel the dragons and you don’t say you can write with Tom you don’t say the sky you know you can gripe with the skies of Mars or you can write about the princes and the kidnapping of princes with the dragon from a dragon or whatever it is right so you can write whatever you want and there’s a prince to rescue the dragon rescue the prince is not the dragon sort of a matter to rescue the princess and kill the dragon and update the crown that is the fantasy kind of novels that you can write their quest there’s got a complete in the world all together scooper scoop out Giardia and yeah one more here you see the second center running this is called right search this references will go back to 15 seconds is from 15 minutes so what this does is guys it will give you the countdown timers so you can look at how you can write for 15 minutes or one minute or 30 minutes or 60 minutes it will completely calm the time mom you can you can write chai and you can completely count the time that you want to write fiction or nonfiction or a blog etc etcetera so you’ll be able to completely understand how you can write content completely in a new fashion with the time that the time cuz I’m duration that you have said so we have said 30 minutes it’ll like for you tonight for 30 minutes spread so this will help you to you know stop the procrastination and start writing and it will motivate you to write further because if you have set a particular time right it will help you to motivate yourself you can motivate yourself further to actually write for the time so suppose some people write only for 5 mill is a liquid right and the content writer’s block comes into action so that writer’s block to avoid that this will help you to actually write for the particular duration of time that you wanted so it is a right dot search or SH correct then the last but not the least I’m gonna close this for a second this is right on died outcome right or tied or calm what is going to work how good what is you know what is gonna do if you are good if you download this software guys it is it’s a wicked doctor software so what it does is if you if you should just keep on typing this okay typing the writing that you want suppose you stop typing for some time it’s going to delete the text can you believe it it’s going to delete the text so because of the fear that the text will get deleted you’re going to start typing this many words per minute you’re going to start and write over a time time time time for this many words from read completely yeah with the fear of deletion nothing is going to work mana to you you’re going to only think that this is going to work this is for not forward nothing goes to your mind you the only thing that post your mind is you’ve got to complete this matters for now and only now right so that’s how it’ll make you to write an entire book even now without you now say yeah you can attend a test chapter itself don’t think about writing a book right now right in chapters and you can write an an entire chapter and we’ll be able to dominate the entire your mind you’re a complete mind can be dominated with right or DICOM all right so let’s move on to the next video will showcase more to you know and how you can take this forward from here

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